Q: What level are you intending to study abroad at?

Graph #2

A majority of prospective students who responded to our survey are intending to study for a full bachelor’s or master’s degree. Only 5.5% were planning on studying for their Ph.D. abroad, while 9.1% are aiming towards a diploma of some kind. 10.9% selected “other” which includes programs like language courses, associate’s degrees, and pathway programs.


Q: Would you be interested in studying if your program was offered online?

Graph #7


Q: Which of the following are you now most considering?

Graph #6

Of the prospective students who still plan to study abroad at some point in the near future, a staggering 54.8% of them still expect to be traveling abroad to study on campus. And when we take into account that 48% of prospective students plan to start studying this year, it highlights just how undeterred many of them are in letting the current situation stop them from experiencing the full study abroad experience.

Interestingly, given the choice, just under 5% are actively seeking entirely digital study options, with a further 15.7% planning to start their studies online but move to on-campus study at a later date once the COVID-19 situation starts winding down. As one respondent put it, “It is more convenient than I can study from home to protect myself from COVID-19. But at some point, I’ll also need to practice my skills in real situations or in the class anyway.”


The geographic breakdown of surveyed students is as follows:

Graph #1


Source: Education